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(Or Poppins Pops a Red Pill)

To the tune Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Guest parody by A. Queen

Just to hear the sound of it’s enough to make you nauseous.
If you say it fast enough, you’ll go completely bonkers.

Some people were afraid to speak so everyone was sad.
They locked us down and gagged us too and told us we were bad.
But now we all have learned a word that positively shows.
We’re definitely not a herd and this is how it goes…

It’s Supercovidsfraudulisticexpertsnewpsychosis.
Just to hear the sound of it’s enough to make you nauseous.
If you say it fast enough, you’ll go completely bonkers.

Now Fauci traveled all around, and everywhere he went,
He talked about the vaccines and declared them heaven sent.
But all his preaching and the lies won’t ever work you see.
Just summon up the word and tell him bugger off with me.

It’s Supercovidsfraudulisticexpertsnewpsychosis.
Just to hear the sound of it’s enough to make you nauseous.
If you say it fast enough, you’ll go completely bonkers.

So, if you’re feeling fed up and your mind is nearly gone
From worrying and knowing that there’s something very wrong
When every country has declared a war on you and me
To cull the population and return to slavery.

It’s Supercovidsfraudulisticexpertsnewpsychosis.
Just to hear the sound of it’s enough to make you nauseous.
If you say it fast enough, you’ll go completely bonkers.

(Links by David Martin)

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